Tuesday 2 February 2016

World's highest Battlefield : SIACHEN

World's highest Battlefield : SIACHEN

              Siachen ,The battlefield which is located between India and Pakistan.It is located in the highest place in the atmosphere.It is a very prominent place to Asia as well.It divides indian subcontinent from asia and located between china and pakistan.This is the place where a little grass was unable to grow. 
             Siachen is located around 12 feet to 23 feet from mean sea-level.Its length is about 76 kms.Saltoro Ridge is located in the west and Karakoram Range located in the east of these siachen glacier.Around 4000 soldiers were died in the fought between india and pakistan during battle.In Balti, 'Sia' -- 'one kind of rose'.'chen' -- 'lot of''.At the lower side of the glacier these roses exists so the neme comes from it.Indian government will organise siachen civil treck on every august and september of every year under adventure wing.By these adventure wing normal people can go there to see the place.that too only for 30-40 people every year and they were elected by the Indian Mountaineering Federation.
               Leh is a place in Jammu Kashmir and is located at the northernmost tip of india.Siachen located 40 kms from Leh.Many tourists comes to see Leh.

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