A long time ago,There were many people on the earth.The people did whatever they want to do without work for each other..They became very selfish and they gave more about themselves.The God saw this and became very sad because everyone chosen his own way.Battles began for land.
There was a man named NOAH.Noah and his family gave complete devotion to the God.Noah and his family worked very hard and they kept all the God's ways in their heart.They had a hard life but they loved each other very much.They always had enough to eat.Noah never forgot his God made all the things possible.
One night,After supper everyone went to bed except Noah.Noah stand out of the house for some fresh air.He had a feeling that he couldn't explain.He didn't know that God is leading him outside.Suddenly God voice said
"Noah ! Noah ! I am God.Please listen the important things that I will say you"."People do not love each other.so, i decided to wash the world with flood and start new". Noah said "God... please don't forgive me". The God said "Don't be afraid Noah.I am telling you because you are the only man still you has me in your heart"."I have chosen you and your family to have started to build an ark".In the morning,Noah said to other about the Ark but everyone laughed at him.Noah and his Family started preparing the Ark.
The God advised Noah to build an ark with fresh and sticky wood.The God also said about the dimensions that Long : 450 feet Wide :75 feet and Hight : 45 feet.The Planks are sealed with tar.The ark consists of three decks : Upper , Middle and Lower.Just below the upper deck openings are made.At last put a door such that a largest animal to enter into the Ark.The God also commanded Noah to bring two animals of each kind into the ark.Noah finished building the Ark and prepared all the food for the animals to get into the Ark.Noah gathered all the animal in the Ark.Suddenly clouds came cold wind breezes and the rain started.The rain covered all the world even the highest mountains disappeared under water.Except the animals in the Ark nothing were left.The rain poured 40 days and 40 nights on the earth.Waters flooded on the earth for 150 days.The ark lande on the Mt.ARARAT.
Noah let a bird to go outside.The bird didn't find any land and it came back to the ark.Ater some days,Noah let the dove go outside.This time the dove brought some leaves from olive tree with her.Soon the water dried and Noah,his family and the animals came out of the ark.The God said "Noah! be happy and tell your children about me and what had happened now".The God made a resolution that "I will never flood the world again and I made this Rainbow to remind these words to you".Noah and his family thanked God for what he had done to them and the children of Noah started spreading on the earth.
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