One day Sri Krishnadevaraya came to the court early and want to participate in the discussions of the Ashtadiggajas.The King was in a very happy mood that day.One poet raised a topic that "Man's behaviour is like Dog's tail".All said their views about Man's behaviour.All poets agreed with the he first one except Raja Purohit.
Raja Purohit : "Who said that Dog's tail won't be straight?.In this empire all is possible so,Dog's tail will be made straight".
The King heard the words of Raja Purohit and want to make something new and adventurous.
Krishnadevaraya : "Only discussions on this topic is not enough.We will try that practically and afterwards we see what will happen.What about you Tenali Ramakrishna !"
Tenali Ramakrishna : " Ha ... you are right Maharaja.... you are right.What we have do for that Maharaja?"
Krishnadevaraya : "Four members of our court are to be selected.Each have to grow a Puppy for six months.In these six months they will be tried to make those puppy's tails straight.Lets see they will become straight or not".
Tenali Ramakrishna : "Maharaja! who were the four people that took care about a puppy and will try in making its tail straight".
Krishnadevaraya : "One puppy will be brought up by Kotayya(assistant of Raja Purohit)".
"the next one will be brought up by Raja Purohit".
Raja Purohit : "Maharaja! Give one chance to the brilliant Tenali Ramakrishna.He will definetly do it.I have total confidence on him".
Krishnadevaraya : "Ok Raja Purohit ! one will be brought up by Tenali Ramakrishna."
Tenali Ramakrishna : "Maharaja ! Its ok I will brought up one.Maharaja! why don't you try the remaining one? you are so brilliant than me so....".
Krishnadevaraya : "ok I brought up the last puppy.I will try my own practical in making straight the puppy's tail".
The King ordered the soldiers to bring a puppy for me and all the poets left for home talking about the task.All the four members with the puppies tried their own ways to make the puppy's tail straight.
Kotayya tied the puppy's tail to a stick with a strong string and thinking that
"I think in six months it will become straight and Maharaja will be a big reward".
Raja Purohit tied a heavy weight to the tail of his puppy and thinking that it will be the correct method for that.It will definitely become straight in six months.
Krishnadevaraya took a cylindrical rod and kept the puppy's tail in it and it will be the enough method to make the puppy's tail straight.

Tenali Ramakrishna made his puppy to eat less food daily.He will put a little food to his puppy.The puppy becoming week day by day.
They tried their best to make the puppy's tail straight for six months.The time for the judgement came and everyone was in the court with their puppies.First Kotayya came and loosen the string of the puppy's tail tied to the stick.After loosening the thread the tail became straight for just 2 seconds and it became curvy.Thus Kotayya failed in doing this and all his expectations came to end.Secondly,Raja Purohit's turn he came and released the string between puppy's tail and the heavy weight.The tail becomes curvy as soon as he released the weight and everyone started laughing in the court.Krishnadevaraya also tested his luck by removing the cylindrical rod around th tail of his puppy.It became curvy again.
This is the turn for Tenali Ramakrishna.Tenali Ramakrishna brought his puppy which was spending his last days likely.Tenali Ramakrishna's puppy's tail was straight because the puppy doesn't has enough energy to make his tail curvy and the puppy was in a critical condition.The king became angry on what Tenali Ramakrishna did to puppy.Tenali Ramakrishna said
"Maharaja! i took special care about puppy for not going things wrong"."I keep the food required for the puppy to live only so,it became very skinny and doesn't have enough energy to lift his tail or to make his tail curvy".
Krishnadevaraya asked about the meaning in Tenali Ramakrishna's doing to puppy.
Tenali Ramakrishna : "Man's behaviour is like dog's tail.If man have lot of grieves and sorrow,His behaviour is like my puppy's tail or straight or not being so proud.he will be in his limits.".
Tenali Ramakrishna :"If all the things goes well,Man also behaves rude and becomes proud and crosses his limits like the puppy's tail curve ".
Krishnadevaraya and his fellow members are inspired by the words of Tenali Ramakrishna and praised him a lot for his brilliance and ordered soldiers to take care about the skinny puppy to make it as before.
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