Wednesday 3 February 2016

Fear of Death to a Bravery

Fear of Death

                     Long long ago,There was a kingdom on the moon.The kingdom is ruled by a brave and kind hearted king.The king married a girl,whose father was making sweets in the kingdom.The queen and the people in the kingdom were very happy with the king for his rule.After somedays a little Prince was born.The king ordered the ministers to distribute the sweets to the people of that kingdom.The little prince became a boy.Because of his richness he too became lazy.
                   The king was worrying about his son's laziness.As the young prince grown up to 18 his father died and he became the king of the kingdom.Because of his laziness he got a disease named "Obesity".The young king ordered all the doctors in his kingdom and asked them what was the remedy for the disease.The doctors couldn't have any solution for them and told to the king that "My lord! the only solution was to take a little food daily".The solution was not much convincible for the king and ordered the doctors to find the solution in one more day.The king ordered "if you don't find the solution,i will kill all the doctors."

                     One day completed and the doctors were ordered to come to king's court.Once again the king asked the doctors to tell the solution.One Doctor came forward and said "My Lord! i have a solution and i will tell you definitely.But on one condition you have to keep it secret". The king became happy for the words from a doctor and asked his ministers to arrange a meet with him.The doctor wrote a message, sealed it and gave it to the king.The doctor said to the king
"Please open the seal tomorrow".
"Follow the rules in the cover."
"I will come to meet you after a month".
"Don't try to meet me in this month". 
          The king said "If it won't works I will leave all the doctors except you" and the doctor left the palace
                  The king eagerly waited for the day to complete and waiting for tomorrow.As he expected tomorrow came and the king opened the cover.As soon as he saw the cover he shocked.He want to tell his ministers about the message in the cover but he can't.If he tell that message,the medicine given by the doctor don't works.The king started thinking about the message and stop taking a heavy food.As the days comes to reach a month,The king was thinking and worrying more and more in him.and he became to take light food as well.After 30 days the king became smart from fat and decided to join in his army.The King ordered to take doctor to his palace and rewarded him with lots of gold.But the doctor happily taken the reward, greets him and left the palace.
                   The Ministers were thinking about the change in king's behaviour and started thinking about the message given by the doctor.One day the ministers asked the king "what was the message given by the doctor?" The king told them "the message was .... In 30 days the disease will become dreadful and you will be ousted out of the kingdom by the people because of your disease".The king also said "because of that message i think a lot and decided to join in the army,I want to leave my kingdom as a warrior not as a diseased.But finally i understood that the doctor made me a brave king like my father.".As soon as the ministers heard the words of the king they shocked and bowed to king.The news spread to all the people in the kingdom and all felt happy.


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