The Creation
First day :
In the beginning there was God.The Earth was empty and dark.God looked over the surface of the world.It was time for something to happen.The God said "Let there be light", and the light comes on to the earth.The God said "I should call the light DAY and the dark NIGHT".So the lght and darknees came that was the first day.
Second day :
Now god was just started the next thing to do was to make the sky above the world and filled the sky with palnets.That was the second day of the world.
Third day :
On the third day,The God separated the water from the land.The god made all kinds of things to put on the land.There were Rocks,Mountains,Deserts,valleys and Creatures.There were big islands and middle islands.There were oceans,Seas,Rivers and Lakes.But there were still more to come on the third day.The God made all the Tall trees,Plants,Short Bushes.Thorns,Leaves and Flowers.The God gave all the flowers different size,colour,shape and smell.All the Grass,Plants and Trees that make seeds and fruits were made on the Third day.
Fourth day :
The God made the Sun to light up the day and Moon to add some light to the night time.The God added some special touch millions of twinkling Stars to the night.
Fifth day :
The God made some creatures to live in this beautiful world.There were Birds,Animals which live on land and Animals which live under seaThe oceans and Land filled with different kinds of creatures.
Sixth day :
The God created the First Man and he was named "ADAM".The God blew the breath of life into Adam.The God said "Adam, I am your God.Welcome to the world and look around you all the plants,seeds and fruits of the earth.I give them to you.And you see all the animals i will give power over them.Everything is used careful and protect them.The god looked all over the creation he made and became happy.
Seventh day :
The God rested on the seventh day.
The God wanted Adam to live in the most wonderful place and The God planted a beautiful garden for Adam to live in.The garden was called "The Garden of Eden".The God made a great river run through the garden and the river splits into four great rivers.Adam had all the animals to accompany in the garden.Adam's first job is to name all the animals and Adam named all the creatures.Adam saw the creatures are very friendly and got a thought of another friend like human and slept.The God looks Adam sleeping and God took one of the Adam's ribs and covered with flesh.The God made a woman.

One day A snake came to Eve and asked her to eat the fruit of the tree which god ordered not to eat.Snake said to eve that "It tastes great.If u eat this fruit you will be same as The God.This fruit gives you great knowledge and wisdom".Eve mesmerized with the words of snake and ate the fruit.She brought the another for Adam and made him to eat.They ate the fruit and realized that they are naked and runs under the bush to hide their body.The God came and saw what Adam,Eve and Snake did and became angry.The God punished snake that "you will crawl on your belly forever and you will fear people and people will fear you".The God Punished Adam and Eve that "Get out of my garden and work hard for your children and you will suffer pain".Adam and Eve left the garden and their life filled with joy and suffering.The God is still watching them whereever they go.
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