Thursday 4 February 2016

A Wise Fool

A Wise Fool

                   A Shepherd named Rahul lives in a village near by a forest.Because of his foolishness he lost most of the sheep in gambling.At last he has only one lamb with him.He wants to sell it when it becomes to sheep.One day three friends came to rahul's house.They want to go into the forest.They asked rahul to be as guide for them.Rahul said "its evening already.. so, we will go early in the morning and return to home before sunset".They all accepted the Rahul's advice and decided to go in the morning and they slept.

                  In the morning Rahul,Three friends and the lamb started going into the forest.When they entered they saw a big tree with wide branches.As they went deep they saw different types of trees there.They saw some small animals like deers,monkeys etc.They pass through thorns as well.At last they reached a beautiful place with green grass,pleasant atmosphere and a stream is also running alongside.They decided to stay there for some time and play in the stream.They all jumped into the stream with excitement and played in the stream till noon.

                   They all are feeling hungry and they came out of the stream.They decided to hunt some birds to eat and went through.At last they find a tree with lot of birds.They prepared the bow and arrow required for hunting there and one among them ready to shoot the bird with that.At the time of releasing arrow he was bitten by an ant.The target misses and the birds flew away.They searched for food but they didn't got anything to eat.One of the three friends gave an idea that we have to kill lamb to satisfy our hunger by making meat to eat.But rahul didn't accepted for that.Rahul too get an idea that"I have cash their hunger by making bet with them.Rahul said to his friends"We have to play a game If i lost in it,the Lamb will be used as food.If i wins the game The lamb will be used for lunch, but when we return to home you will buy me 5 more sheep like these"
                    They all accepted and asked "what was the game?".Rahul replied "A race between one of you three and me.. Running race".At first they feared because Rahul was a racer in his school days.Finally their hunger made them to accept the challenge.
The three friends selected one among them named Rajesh.Rahul and Rajesh started the race.they two were running for their needs.All of a sudden,Rahul stepped on a pebble and he wounded.He was unable to run with ease so he quits the race.The foolish Rahul accepted his failure and gave the lamb to satisfy their hunger.They ordered Rahul to make lamb to kill and prepare food for them.If he doesn't,he will not get food without doing that.The three friends again went for palying in the stream and rahul alone prepared food.They ate and spend their remaining time in the forest.They reached the house before sunset.
                   The next day,The three friends brought a few sheep for Rahul and surprised him and advised him not behave foolish.They also told him to involve in gambling upto a limit.Then they left from village.Rahul realized for what he had done to them and what they did after.


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