Tuesday 2 February 2016

Intolerable love by Devil

Intolerable love by Devil

             Once there was a beautiful college with large number of students and faculty.There was a girl named NAMITHA and a boy named HARSHA.They fell in love with each other.Once girl asked the boy "what we have to do next after college?" then boy replied ".........  mm marriage ?" then girl said "Ok then after final exams and after placement we were getting married with each other".as soon as they are getting deeper into their love the final exams came.they too performed well in the exams.
             Afterr final exams there came a company's placement drive to their college.HARSHA got the job in that placement drive while NAMITHA didn't.After the college they went to their respective hometowns.The differences between them also came to live among them.Then finally the boy didn't have any contact with the girl.He was busy in his job.After few months,at night,after the boy came from office(timings 7:00 am to 7:00 pm) to his flat the door bell rang.The boy came to see who came to his flat.He saw and shocked.The girl who loved him came to his flat with luggage.They both hugged each other and they accepted to stay together in that flat.

             Days going well they two were very happy with each other.The colleagues with the boy in the office finds that harsha was getting skinny and asked him "why you are becomming week? is there any problem with anyone?" then harsha replied "i am very happy these days because........".Harsha told his lover and the love story between them.The colleague finds that something is going wrong with harsha then he contacted a swamiji and told about harsha and their love story.He told harsha to meet the swamiji that he was very powerful.Swamiji said that he will find a solution why you are getting week and skinny.He took a thread and binds to harsha's hand.He told to harsha "what you two are doing in night?".harsha replied "we two were enjoying well and leading a life as a married couple."swamiji told that "you both are eating together or not?".Harsha replied "while i was getting to home i was abit late so she tells that she eats before me"swamiji told "harsha,today you ask your wife to eat with him".Then harsha accepted the swamiji's suggestion and left.

             Harsha came home and asked wife to eat with him but she replied "I was too heavily eaten plaese continue eating today".the next harsha came to swamiji and told what happened in the home last night.swamiji thinks thinks and thinks and he gat the idea and told "harsha, we together goes to your home then you go inside and we both observe you and your wife from window".Then they left to harsha's home.harsha goes inside and asked his wife to eat with him.But Namitha denied harsha.Harsha told to his wife that he was too havily eaten and i want to go for a walk to get my stomach empty a little bit.Harsha came out and joined with the swamiji and colleague.While they were observing the girl she poured all the rice and ciurry into a big vessel and mixing it with her hand.While eating the food became food containing blood in it.Then swamiji came to her and caught her and asked "who are you?" "why you came her?".

             The devil replied "i was in love with harsha.I decided to spend my life with him and get packed my luggage.While i was comming my brothers obstructed me at the village borders and killed me.They left me without doing cremation.I hava an immense love on him and i came here to spend my life with him".then swamiji asked harsha "what we have to do then?". Harsha replied "please !
Leave Namithe (Devil) alone and i want you and my collegue to leave my house".Then swamiji and harsha's colleague left harsha's home with shock.Then harsha lives with his lover and made her happy.Finally harsha became skinny skinny and skinny and died leaving his world to reach his beloved wife's world.Thus they two (Harsha ,Namitha) spend their happy life together in the non existing world with full of happiness.

THE END                


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