Friday 5 February 2016



                     My name is Rakesh.I am 18 years old now.I completed my +2 exams and I went to my grandmother's village.I met my childhood friends there and started enjoying with them.One day,A small family came to my village to settle there.The family consists Father,Mother and Boy (Harsha) of my age.We observed them and we want to help them because they were new to the village.They moved closely with ours and Harsha also mingle with ours.We too moved with harsha closely,he became one of our friends.We too enjoyed with harsha and roamed around the village.

                      We saw a haunted house near the village while roaming.Harsha insisted us to go once in to the house.Our friends and i too were scared.But one of our friends and me were dared to go with harsha.My friend along with me accepted was very known about that house.We too find that later.One fine day I,My friend and Harsha decided to go into the haunted house.We prepared mentally and rode to the house on bike.Harsha and my friend were going into the house with no fear.I too followed him but with little fear in me.All the house is filled with dust around and we started sneezing and moved on.We went eagerly to know why this house became haunted? and what is the mystery?.We entered a room and saw there some names are written in a different language which we couldn't understood.Suddenly,we hared some sounds which are not clearly audible to us.
                      I feared a lot and saw at other's face.I felt that they too have fear inside but they aren't showing it out.We moved to the next room and saw two names inscribed in a love symbol.Suddenly a bird flew away flapping his wings.My heartbeat increased and i closed my eyes and i said to me "Don't fear its a bird" and followed them.We saw a kitchen beside and we went there to see.We saw some blood stains on the floor and on the wall.I only went into the room to see and they two stayed out because there is a problem with their nose and they are sneezing.

We heard a sound from the upstairs that one of the window started moving to and fro and making sounds "Kirr Kirrr.....".We raised our heads to see the upstairs from where the sound had came.We saw on the roof that "come onto the upstairs and you'll find me".I want to start run back but my friend caught my hand and i am so nervous at that moment.I think i want to cry but i controlled my tears.Because of my fear my friend was waking infront of me and harsha was follwed me while going to upstairs.We saw a room on the upstairs and on the door the words written on it were"come on and get into the room".I wa totaly scared and turned to go back but i didn't find Harsha behind.My heartbeat increases and saying to my friend that harsha was not here and tryin to release my hand from his hand.
                       My friend said "Ha ha ha I think he has guts but he too scared and i am the one who is not scared of this house ha haha ....".We suddenly heard a noise that "come on I am waiting for you" in a lady tone.My friend released my hand we too want to go out of the room but we couldn't.Then the lady appeared in a white smoky dress and said "you cheated me and killed.Ha haha I too cheated you in the form of Harsha".I my tears came out of my eyes and i am telling that "i can't understood what you are saying Please leave me please!".Then suddenly the other two devils appeared then i understood that the family came to the village recently were not the real humans they were devils and i asked why are you trying to do this to me please leave me.My friend was not talking anything and saying "sorry please leave me sorry......".
                    The devil started telling me that "your friend is a cheat.he cheated me,he killed me,I am waiting here form 2 years and tried to come into this house but he couldn't came.This time the plan worked".I changed my body from lady to bay and this time the plan worked.The devil let me to run back and say to other villagers that he is no more.While running back i heard the sounds of the devil killing my friend.I gor to my home and didn't shared it anyone.The next day i said to my remaining friends  about the haunted house.They too scared and we were thinking what was wrong with him.One of the group said he had a lover and she was died in that haunted house.She has been raped brutally by a guy.By hearing the news about his daughter her mother and her father hanged to fan in their house where the family recently came to the village and were staying.


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