Monday 8 February 2016

The Dog's Tail : Tenali Ramakrishna

The Dog's Tail

                  One day Sri Krishnadevaraya came to the court early and want to participate in the discussions of the Ashtadiggajas.The King was in a very happy mood that day.One poet raised a topic that "Man's behaviour is like Dog's tail".All said their views about Man's behaviour.All poets agreed with the he first one except Raja Purohit.
      Raja Purohit : "Who said that Dog's tail won't be straight?.In this empire all is possible so,Dog's tail will be made straight".
                The King heard the words of Raja Purohit and want to make something new and adventurous.
      Krishnadevaraya : "Only discussions on this topic is not enough.We will try that practically and afterwards we see what will happen.What about you Tenali Ramakrishna !"
     Tenali Ramakrishna : " Ha ... you are right Maharaja.... you are right.What we have do for that Maharaja?"
      Krishnadevaraya : "Four members of our court are to be selected.Each have to grow a Puppy for six months.In these six months they will be tried to make those puppy's tails straight.Lets see they will become straight or not". 
       Tenali Ramakrishna : "Maharaja! who were the four people that took care about a puppy and will try in making its tail straight".
       Krishnadevaraya : "One puppy will be brought up by Kotayya(assistant of Raja Purohit)".
                                     "the next one will be brought up by Raja Purohit". 
      Raja Purohit : "Maharaja! Give one chance to the brilliant Tenali Ramakrishna.He will definetly do it.I have total confidence on him".
      Krishnadevaraya : "Ok Raja Purohit ! one will be brought up by Tenali Ramakrishna."
     Tenali Ramakrishna : "Maharaja ! Its ok I will brought up one.Maharaja! why don't you try the remaining one? you are so brilliant than me so....".
      Krishnadevaraya : "ok I brought up the last puppy.I will try my own practical in making straight the puppy's tail".  
                     The King ordered the soldiers to bring a puppy for me and all the poets left for home talking about the task.All the four members with the puppies tried their own ways to make the puppy's tail straight.
                     Kotayya tied the puppy's tail to a stick with a strong string and thinking that "I think in six months it will become straight and Maharaja will be a big reward".
                     Raja Purohit tied a heavy weight to the tail of his puppy and thinking that it will be the correct method for that.It will definitely become straight in six months.
                    Krishnadevaraya took a cylindrical rod and kept the puppy's tail in it and it will be the enough method to make the puppy's tail straight.
                    Tenali Ramakrishna made his puppy to eat less food daily.He will put a little food to his puppy.The puppy becoming week day by day.

                    They tried their best to make the puppy's tail straight for six months.The time for the judgement came and everyone was in the court with their puppies.First Kotayya came and loosen the string of the puppy's tail tied to the stick.After loosening the thread the tail became straight for just 2 seconds and it became curvy.Thus Kotayya failed in doing this and all his expectations came to end.Secondly,Raja Purohit's turn he came and released the string between puppy's tail and the heavy weight.The tail becomes curvy as soon as he released the weight and everyone started laughing in the court.Krishnadevaraya also tested his luck by removing the cylindrical rod around th tail of his puppy.It became curvy again.

      This is the turn for Tenali Ramakrishna.Tenali Ramakrishna brought his puppy which was spending his last days likely.Tenali Ramakrishna's puppy's tail was straight because the puppy doesn't has enough energy to make his tail curvy and the puppy was in a critical condition.The king became angry on what Tenali Ramakrishna did to puppy.Tenali Ramakrishna said "Maharaja! i took special care about puppy for not going things wrong"."I keep the food required for the puppy to live only so,it became very skinny and doesn't have enough energy to lift his tail or to make his tail curvy".
                       Krishnadevaraya asked about the meaning in Tenali Ramakrishna's doing to puppy.
     Tenali Ramakrishna : "Man's behaviour is like dog's tail.If man have lot of grieves and sorrow,His behaviour is like my puppy's tail or straight or not being so proud.he will be in his limits.".
     Tenali Ramakrishna :"If all the things goes well,Man also behaves rude and becomes proud and crosses his limits like the puppy's tail curve ".
                 Krishnadevaraya and his fellow members are inspired by the words of Tenali Ramakrishna and praised him a lot for his brilliance and ordered soldiers to take care about the skinny puppy to make it as before.

The Colour of Diamonds :Tenali Ramakrishna

The Colour of Diamonds

                     One day,Krishnadevaraya was very happy with the sarcastic and intelligent discussion by Ashtadiggajas in his court.He too involved in the discussion and enjoyed.During discussion a man named "Ramayya" who directly entered into his court.Soldiers caught him an started beating him for illegally entering into the court.The King ordered his soldiers to leave the man.The man thanked him for the words of The King and started explaining  his problem.
       Ramayya : "Save me My Lord! Please save me from my owner My Lord!".
       Krishnadevaraya : "What happened ?"
       Ramayya : "My owner cheated me My Lord!"
                      Yesterday afternoon i and my owner was going to buy some ration.The cold winds were breezing on the way.So we brought an umbrella on the road and we were moving.Suddenly a big rain poured,our umbrella became wet and worned out.we started worrying and seeing around for some shelter around.At some distance we saw a temple.We immediately ran into the temple to hide out.The rain lasted for  many hours.We went into the temple in search of any human living there.We found no one there and the temple is full of dust.We decided to relax there for some time.We have to leave the temple as soon as the rain stopped pouring.

                     My owner relaxed at the entrance and i started searching for some place to get relaxed.In search of the place i found a red bag tied its mouth with a tight string.I get it to my owner and we opened the bag loosening the string.We were shocked seeing into the bag There were diamonds, a lot of diamonds.We too became very happy and decided to share the diamonds.But i had a thought that they were the temple's property.If the information leaks we will get punished.
     Ramayya : "Boss! we will give it to The King,because they are the Temple's property".
     Owner : "No Ramayya! these are very costly diamonds".
     Ramayya : "Boss! If the information leaks we will be in great trouble"
   Owner : "Ramayya! if we share these diamonds.Our family will become rich upto next four generations".
                  We both accepted to share.But my owner told me to give my share of diamonds after we went home.If we share now,If anyone sees our plan will be ruined.So we will share these after getting into the house.After sometime the rain stopped and we both went to homes happily.The next day I went to his home happily to take my share of diamonds.But my owner rejected to give my share of diamonds.
    Ramayya : "Sorry! My lord! I want share because of my selfishness.I hear his words and i lost a lot by his words My Lord! Please help me My Lord!".
                   The King order his soldiers to take Ramayya's owner to his court.After sometime the soldiers brought the Ramayya's owner to the King's court.The King asked about the diamonds they found in the temple.
    Owner : "By God's grace all things are going well for me.I didn't had any debts too.what i have to with his share of diamonds.I gave them to him.My Lord!"
    Owner : "I gave all the diamonds to Ramayya and said to submit all the diamonds to The King".
    Ramayya : "No My Lord! he is lying My Lord!.He didn't gave any diamonds to me".
    Owner : "My Lord! I have a doubt on Ramayya that all the diamonds was taken by him itself and playing games in front of you My Lord!".
    Krishnadevaraya : "Raja Purohit!  who was the culprit according to these opinion"
    Raja Purohit : "My Lord! I think Ramayya is the culprit.Take Ramayya into custody and leave his owner.I think he is innocent".
    Tenali Ramakrishna : "My lord! now we have to think a lot and take the right decision My Lord!".
    Krishnadevaraya : "Thinks and sais Is there anyone have any proof among yourself".
    Ramayya : "My Lord! I have no proof".
   Owner : "My Lord! I have two witnesses while i was giving diamonds to Ramayya My two workmen saw my giving to Ramayya"
    Krishnadevaraya : "Soldiers! get the two witnesses to the court.

    Witness 1 & 2 : "We saw our Owner gave the diamonds to Ramayya".
    Tenali Ramakrishna :"My Lord! I want to talk to you secretly Please give me a chance".
                  Krishnadevaraya accepted the Tenali Ramakrishna's proposal and they two went into a secret room.
    Tenali Ramakrishna : "My Lord ! I think  we will examine the two witnesses seperately".
    Krishnadevaraya : "Ok Tenali Ramakrishna ! ".
                     The King ordered his soldiers to bring the Owner first.
    Tenali Ramakrishna : "What is the colour of the diamonds you gave to Ramayya?".
    Owner : "I gave white colour diamonds to Ramayya". 
    Krishnadevaraya : "Ok Mr.Owner Please be aside". and ordered his soldiers to bring witness 1.
   Tenali Ramakrishna : "Witness 1! what was the colur of diamonds that your owner gave to Ramayya".
    Witness 1 : "the colour ... the colour of diamonds was Green.My Lord! They were shining too".
    Krishnadevaraya : "Ok witness 1, Please be aside". and ordered his soldiers to bring witness 2.
   Tenali ramakrishna :"Witness 2! what was the colur of diamonds that your owner gave to Ramayya?".
    Witness 2 : "The colour of diamonds was Red My Lord!".
                    Then Krishnadevaraya came to conclusion that Owner was lying and ordered his soldiers to take Owner and his Witnesses into custody.The King collected all the diamonds from the Owner and gave reward to Ramayya for his bravery against his owner.The King also gave reward to Tenali Ramakrishna for his brilliance in tackling the case well. 

Sunday 7 February 2016

The Beginning of Tenali RamaKrishna

The Beginning of Tenali Ramakrishna

                       Long long ago,There was a kingdom name "Vijayanagara".It is located in southeast of India.It was ruled by "Sri Krishna Devaraya".There were eight poets in his kingdom named "Ashtadiggajas".One of the poet in ashtadiggas was "Tenali ramakrishna".Tenali RamaKrishna became very famous around neighboring kingdoms because of his Intelligence and Tackling power.He came from a village named Tenali and his name was RamaKrishna,But all the people of vijayanagara called him as Tenali RamaKrishna.He has a great talking power.
                     One day Tenali RamaKrishna heard about the greatness of vijayanagara kingdom and he left Tenali for Vijayanagara.On his way to vijayanagara, he met two men one was the King's advisor and other was an assistant.The two men named as Raja Purohit and other Kotayya.Tenali Ramakrishna introduced himself to them.

Tenali Ramakrishna : "I want to work for Krishnadevaraya. Can you please allow me to enter into his court and work for him? Please !...". 
Raja Purohit : " I was a saint since 25 years thats why i got a work in the king's court.You came now and asking like this and I didn't heard your name from any one's mouth.So No Way......".
Tenali Ramakrishna : "I know that I am a small kid before you.But you are a big saint and you are liked by The King .I think you are the only one helping me to enter into The King's court." 
  and praised Raja Purohit then Raja Purohit said

 Raja Purohit : "Its Ok,I think you are a nice guy.I will take you to The King's court."  and Raja Purohit left. 
                     The Next day Tenali Ramakrishna came to the King's palace and waited at the entrance gate.Raja Purohit and his assistant saw Tenali Ramakrishan from the palace and ordered to one of the Guard that "I think,The man who was at the entrance of the palace was a Thief.Make him to leave the palace". The Guard came to Tenali Ramakrishna to said that " Leave the palace otherwise I will beat you".Tenali Ramakrishna left the place and roaming around vijayanagara and waiting for work in the King's court.One day just after the sunrise he saw Raja Purohit and his assistant were bathing in the river.Tenali Ramakrishna took the clothes of them from the bed of the river and went behind the tree and observing them.Raja Purohit and his assistant was worrying about the missing clothes.Tenali Ramakrishna came in-front of Raja Purohit and said "If you want the want to take me to the King's court on your shoulders".Raja Purohit accepted the Tenali Ramakrishna's offer and get him onto his shoulders walking to the King's court.Everyone on the road were getting laughed at the incident that Raja Purohit was carrying someone on his shoulders.
                 The news came to the King's court and ordered one of his soldier to beat someone who was on the shoulders of Raja Purohit.At the entrance of the palace Tenali Ramakrishna said "My Lord ! you carried me from long distance this is the time for me to carry you to The King's court on my shoulders". The King's soldier was new to the King's court and he doesn't know the Raja Purohit,Just followed King's order and beat the Raja Purohit.Thus Tenali Ramakrishna entered into the court of Krishnadevaraya.
                 Tenali Ramakrishna was taken to the King's court by the soldier.The King asked Tenali Ramakrishna "who are you? why you came to me? why you are teasing Raja Purohit?".Tenali Ramakrishna what had happened before and said "My Lord this is happened and I am ready to face the music".The King saw the Intelligence,Obedience and Bravery in Tenali Ramakrishna,influenced with him and allowed him to stay in The King's court.Tenali Ramakrishna said "Thank you My lord! My dream came true now.Thank you My lord ! Thank you".Thus Tenali Ramakrishna entered into the court of Sri Krishnadevaraya.

Story of Abraham : BIBLE

Story of Abraham

         The children of Noah spreaded all over the world.They started speaking different languages.One of the hereditary of Noah was Abram.Abram lives in the city named Caanan.He was also a good follower of God.The God made Abram to change his name to Abraham(Father of Multitude).The God also promised him that he would make him into a great nation.The God also promised him that he would have a son who would inherit the land of Caanan.But many years passed since he had heard God's call and obeyed him.It had been many years since God had promised to give Abraham an heir.Now Abraham and Sarai(his wife) wre too old to have children.So instead of waiting for God's promise.Abraham and Sarai became impatient and made a plan to have a baby their way.
                Without praying to God,Abraham becomes desperate and has a son that he called Ishmael by Sarai's servant Hagar.This brings much grief to their household and later trouble to future generations.But God had mercy and compassion upon Ishmael and promised that his descendants would become a large nation.When God had told that he would have a son by Sarai.Abraham laughed to himself because he was so old.But God was faithful to his promise because his promises never fail.The God promised Abraham that a son from his own body would be his heir.The promise of a son was fulfilled,but not because Abraham was perfect in his obedience.The God was faithful to his word.God fulfills his promise not because of what we do.but because of who he is.The God appeared to Abraham was "EL-SHADDAI"(The Almighty God). He said "walk before me and be blameless".This was a call to Abraham to repent of his mistakes and walk before the almighty God,who had called him for a great purpose.The God changed the name of Sarai to Sarah(Princess).The son of Abraham and the Sarah was named "ISAAC".Abraham was hundred yers old,when God was able to bless him with hi son Issac,who would continue God's promise
                The God said to Abraham "I will bless anyone who bless you.I will put a curse on anyone who put curse on you"."Everyone on earth will be blessed because of you ". The God sees Abraham was busy in playing with his son and neglecting God.The God want to test Abraham.One day The God said to Abraham "Take your son Isaac to the hill named "MORAI" and there offer him to me".Abraham weeped a lot for the God's words and take his son Isaac along with a sword to give his son's life to the God.On the way to the mountain Isaac asked Abraham"father ! why we are going onto the mountain".Abraham said "The God commanded me".They went to the top of the mountain,Abraham prepared Altar for the offering.Abraham ordered Isaac to get onto the altar because "you are a lamb and God asked you as an offering".Isaac accepted God's words and laid on the Altar and closed his eyes.Abraham tied Isaac's legs and hands and prepared for the offering.Abraham says"My Lord! My Lord!" and he lifted his sword on Isaac.Suddenly words of God said "Abraham! Abraham! wait ! wait! you are truly faithful to me.Don't sacrifice your child to me.In your heart you have already done.Release Issac and drop him from Altar".Abraham leaned onto his knees and gave thanks to God.At a distance Abraham saw a lamb struck in the thorns and asked Isaac to take that at his way.Isaac done what his father ordered and Abraham gave the lamb as an offering to God.The God said to Abraham "Abraham! look at he stars and count them".Abraham said "My Lord ! My Lord !".The God said "I will make your descendants countless like stars and sand on the sea shore.".From that years have passed Abraham's people mount up over the land.His wife Sarah died.After some days Abraham too died on a good day in his old age.He lived for 175 years and burried by his sons Isaac and Ishmael.

Saturday 6 February 2016

Noah's Ark :BIBLE

Noah's Ark

                      A long time ago,There were many people on the earth.The people did whatever they want to do without work for each other..They became very selfish and they gave more about themselves.The God saw this and became very sad because everyone chosen his own way.Battles began for land.There was a man named NOAH.Noah and his family gave complete devotion  to the God.Noah and his family worked very hard and they kept all the God's ways in their heart.They had a hard life but they loved each other very much.They always had enough to eat.Noah never forgot his God made all the things possible.

                      One night,After supper everyone went to bed except Noah.Noah stand out of the house for some fresh air.He had a feeling that he couldn't explain.He didn't know that God is leading him outside.Suddenly God voice said "Noah ! Noah ! I am God.Please listen the important things that I will say you"."People do not love each, i decided to wash the world with flood and start new". Noah said "God... please don't forgive me". The God said "Don't be afraid Noah.I am telling you because you are the only man still you has me in your heart"."I have chosen you and your family to have started to build an ark".In the morning,Noah said to other about the Ark but everyone laughed at him.Noah and his Family started preparing the Ark.
                       The God advised Noah to build an ark with fresh and sticky wood.The God also said about the dimensions that Long : 450 feet Wide :75 feet and Hight : 45 feet.The Planks are sealed with tar.The ark consists of three decks : Upper , Middle and Lower.Just below the upper deck openings are made.At last put a door such that a largest animal to enter into the Ark.The God also commanded Noah to bring two animals of each kind into the ark.Noah finished building the Ark and prepared all the food for the animals to get into the Ark.Noah gathered all the animal in the Ark.Suddenly clouds came cold wind breezes and the rain started.The rain covered all the world even the highest mountains disappeared under water.Except the animals in the Ark nothing were left.The rain poured 40 days and 40 nights on the earth.Waters flooded on the earth for 150 days.The ark lande on the Mt.ARARAT.Noah let a bird to go outside.The bird didn't find any land and it came back to the ark.Ater some days,Noah let the dove go outside.This time the dove brought some leaves from olive tree with her.Soon the water dried and Noah,his family and the animals came out of the ark.The God said "Noah! be happy and tell your children about me and what had happened now".The God made a resolution  that "I will never flood the world again and I made this Rainbow to remind these words to you".Noah and his family thanked God for what he had done to them and the children of Noah started spreading on the earth.

Friday 5 February 2016

The creation : BIBLE

The Creation

First day

                     In the beginning there was God.The Earth was empty and dark.God looked over the surface of the world.It was time for something to happen.The God said "Let there be light", and the light comes on to the earth.The God said "I should call the light DAY and the dark NIGHT".So the lght and darknees came that was the first day.

 Second day :

                    Now god was just started the next thing to do was to make the sky above the world and filled the sky with palnets.That was the second day of the world.

Third day : 

                    On the third day,The God separated the water from the land.The god made all kinds of things to put on the land.There were Rocks,Mountains,Deserts,valleys and Creatures.There were big islands and middle islands.There were oceans,Seas,Rivers and Lakes.But there were still more to come on the third day.The God made all the Tall trees,Plants,Short Bushes.Thorns,Leaves and Flowers.The God gave all the flowers different size,colour,shape and smell.All the Grass,Plants and Trees that make seeds and fruits were made on the Third day.

Fourth day :

                    The God made the Sun to light up the day and Moon to add some light to the night time.The God added some special touch millions of twinkling Stars to the night.

Fifth day : 

                    The God made some creatures to live in this beautiful world.There were Birds,Animals which live on land and Animals which live under seaThe oceans and Land filled with different kinds of creatures.

Sixth day :

                    The God created the First Man and he was named "ADAM".The God blew the breath of life into Adam.The God said "Adam, I am your God.Welcome to the world and look around you all the plants,seeds and fruits of the earth.I give them to you.And you see all the animals i will give power over them.Everything is used careful and protect them.The god looked all over the creation he made and became happy.

Seventh day :

                   The God rested on the seventh day.

             The God wanted Adam to live in the most wonderful place and The God planted a beautiful garden for Adam to live in.The garden was called "The Garden of Eden".The God made a great river run through the garden and the river splits into four great rivers.Adam had all the animals to accompany in the garden.Adam's first job is to name all the animals and Adam named all the creatures.Adam saw the creatures are very friendly and got a thought of another friend like human and slept.The God looks Adam sleeping and God took one of the Adam's ribs and covered with flesh.The God made a woman.
In the morning Adam woke up and saw woman and named her oo as "EVE".The God ordered Adam and Eve that "There is one fruit you cannot eat".Adam and Eve accepted The God's words.Adam and Eve were very happy in the garden.
              One day A snake came to Eve and asked her to eat the fruit of the tree which god ordered not to eat.Snake said to eve that "It tastes great.If u eat this fruit you will be same as The God.This fruit gives you great knowledge and wisdom".Eve mesmerized with the words of snake and ate the fruit.She brought the another for Adam and made him to eat.They ate the fruit and realized that they are naked and runs under the bush to hide their body.The God came and saw what Adam,Eve and Snake did and became angry.The God punished snake that "you will crawl on your belly forever and you will fear people and people will fear you".The God Punished Adam and Eve that "Get out of my garden and work hard for your children and you will suffer pain".Adam and Eve left the garden and their life filled with joy and suffering.The God is still watching them whereever they go.




                     My name is Rakesh.I am 18 years old now.I completed my +2 exams and I went to my grandmother's village.I met my childhood friends there and started enjoying with them.One day,A small family came to my village to settle there.The family consists Father,Mother and Boy (Harsha) of my age.We observed them and we want to help them because they were new to the village.They moved closely with ours and Harsha also mingle with ours.We too moved with harsha closely,he became one of our friends.We too enjoyed with harsha and roamed around the village.

                      We saw a haunted house near the village while roaming.Harsha insisted us to go once in to the house.Our friends and i too were scared.But one of our friends and me were dared to go with harsha.My friend along with me accepted was very known about that house.We too find that later.One fine day I,My friend and Harsha decided to go into the haunted house.We prepared mentally and rode to the house on bike.Harsha and my friend were going into the house with no fear.I too followed him but with little fear in me.All the house is filled with dust around and we started sneezing and moved on.We went eagerly to know why this house became haunted? and what is the mystery?.We entered a room and saw there some names are written in a different language which we couldn't understood.Suddenly,we hared some sounds which are not clearly audible to us.
                      I feared a lot and saw at other's face.I felt that they too have fear inside but they aren't showing it out.We moved to the next room and saw two names inscribed in a love symbol.Suddenly a bird flew away flapping his wings.My heartbeat increased and i closed my eyes and i said to me "Don't fear its a bird" and followed them.We saw a kitchen beside and we went there to see.We saw some blood stains on the floor and on the wall.I only went into the room to see and they two stayed out because there is a problem with their nose and they are sneezing.

We heard a sound from the upstairs that one of the window started moving to and fro and making sounds "Kirr Kirrr.....".We raised our heads to see the upstairs from where the sound had came.We saw on the roof that "come onto the upstairs and you'll find me".I want to start run back but my friend caught my hand and i am so nervous at that moment.I think i want to cry but i controlled my tears.Because of my fear my friend was waking infront of me and harsha was follwed me while going to upstairs.We saw a room on the upstairs and on the door the words written on it were"come on and get into the room".I wa totaly scared and turned to go back but i didn't find Harsha behind.My heartbeat increases and saying to my friend that harsha was not here and tryin to release my hand from his hand.
                       My friend said "Ha ha ha I think he has guts but he too scared and i am the one who is not scared of this house ha haha ....".We suddenly heard a noise that "come on I am waiting for you" in a lady tone.My friend released my hand we too want to go out of the room but we couldn't.Then the lady appeared in a white smoky dress and said "you cheated me and killed.Ha haha I too cheated you in the form of Harsha".I my tears came out of my eyes and i am telling that "i can't understood what you are saying Please leave me please!".Then suddenly the other two devils appeared then i understood that the family came to the village recently were not the real humans they were devils and i asked why are you trying to do this to me please leave me.My friend was not talking anything and saying "sorry please leave me sorry......".
                    The devil started telling me that "your friend is a cheat.he cheated me,he killed me,I am waiting here form 2 years and tried to come into this house but he couldn't came.This time the plan worked".I changed my body from lady to bay and this time the plan worked.The devil let me to run back and say to other villagers that he is no more.While running back i heard the sounds of the devil killing my friend.I gor to my home and didn't shared it anyone.The next day i said to my remaining friends  about the haunted house.They too scared and we were thinking what was wrong with him.One of the group said he had a lover and she was died in that haunted house.She has been raped brutally by a guy.By hearing the news about his daughter her mother and her father hanged to fan in their house where the family recently came to the village and were staying.


Thursday 4 February 2016

A Wise Fool

A Wise Fool

                   A Shepherd named Rahul lives in a village near by a forest.Because of his foolishness he lost most of the sheep in gambling.At last he has only one lamb with him.He wants to sell it when it becomes to sheep.One day three friends came to rahul's house.They want to go into the forest.They asked rahul to be as guide for them.Rahul said "its evening already.. so, we will go early in the morning and return to home before sunset".They all accepted the Rahul's advice and decided to go in the morning and they slept.

                  In the morning Rahul,Three friends and the lamb started going into the forest.When they entered they saw a big tree with wide branches.As they went deep they saw different types of trees there.They saw some small animals like deers,monkeys etc.They pass through thorns as well.At last they reached a beautiful place with green grass,pleasant atmosphere and a stream is also running alongside.They decided to stay there for some time and play in the stream.They all jumped into the stream with excitement and played in the stream till noon.

                   They all are feeling hungry and they came out of the stream.They decided to hunt some birds to eat and went through.At last they find a tree with lot of birds.They prepared the bow and arrow required for hunting there and one among them ready to shoot the bird with that.At the time of releasing arrow he was bitten by an ant.The target misses and the birds flew away.They searched for food but they didn't got anything to eat.One of the three friends gave an idea that we have to kill lamb to satisfy our hunger by making meat to eat.But rahul didn't accepted for that.Rahul too get an idea that"I have cash their hunger by making bet with them.Rahul said to his friends"We have to play a game If i lost in it,the Lamb will be used as food.If i wins the game The lamb will be used for lunch, but when we return to home you will buy me 5 more sheep like these"
                    They all accepted and asked "what was the game?".Rahul replied "A race between one of you three and me.. Running race".At first they feared because Rahul was a racer in his school days.Finally their hunger made them to accept the challenge.
The three friends selected one among them named Rajesh.Rahul and Rajesh started the race.they two were running for their needs.All of a sudden,Rahul stepped on a pebble and he wounded.He was unable to run with ease so he quits the race.The foolish Rahul accepted his failure and gave the lamb to satisfy their hunger.They ordered Rahul to make lamb to kill and prepare food for them.If he doesn't,he will not get food without doing that.The three friends again went for palying in the stream and rahul alone prepared food.They ate and spend their remaining time in the forest.They reached the house before sunset.
                   The next day,The three friends brought a few sheep for Rahul and surprised him and advised him not behave foolish.They also told him to involve in gambling upto a limit.Then they left from village.Rahul realized for what he had done to them and what they did after.


Wednesday 3 February 2016

Fear of Death to a Bravery

Fear of Death

                     Long long ago,There was a kingdom on the moon.The kingdom is ruled by a brave and kind hearted king.The king married a girl,whose father was making sweets in the kingdom.The queen and the people in the kingdom were very happy with the king for his rule.After somedays a little Prince was born.The king ordered the ministers to distribute the sweets to the people of that kingdom.The little prince became a boy.Because of his richness he too became lazy.
                   The king was worrying about his son's laziness.As the young prince grown up to 18 his father died and he became the king of the kingdom.Because of his laziness he got a disease named "Obesity".The young king ordered all the doctors in his kingdom and asked them what was the remedy for the disease.The doctors couldn't have any solution for them and told to the king that "My lord! the only solution was to take a little food daily".The solution was not much convincible for the king and ordered the doctors to find the solution in one more day.The king ordered "if you don't find the solution,i will kill all the doctors."

                     One day completed and the doctors were ordered to come to king's court.Once again the king asked the doctors to tell the solution.One Doctor came forward and said "My Lord! i have a solution and i will tell you definitely.But on one condition you have to keep it secret". The king became happy for the words from a doctor and asked his ministers to arrange a meet with him.The doctor wrote a message, sealed it and gave it to the king.The doctor said to the king
"Please open the seal tomorrow".
"Follow the rules in the cover."
"I will come to meet you after a month".
"Don't try to meet me in this month". 
          The king said "If it won't works I will leave all the doctors except you" and the doctor left the palace
                  The king eagerly waited for the day to complete and waiting for tomorrow.As he expected tomorrow came and the king opened the cover.As soon as he saw the cover he shocked.He want to tell his ministers about the message in the cover but he can't.If he tell that message,the medicine given by the doctor don't works.The king started thinking about the message and stop taking a heavy food.As the days comes to reach a month,The king was thinking and worrying more and more in him.and he became to take light food as well.After 30 days the king became smart from fat and decided to join in his army.The King ordered to take doctor to his palace and rewarded him with lots of gold.But the doctor happily taken the reward, greets him and left the palace.
                   The Ministers were thinking about the change in king's behaviour and started thinking about the message given by the doctor.One day the ministers asked the king "what was the message given by the doctor?" The king told them "the message was .... In 30 days the disease will become dreadful and you will be ousted out of the kingdom by the people because of your disease".The king also said "because of that message i think a lot and decided to join in the army,I want to leave my kingdom as a warrior not as a diseased.But finally i understood that the doctor made me a brave king like my father.".As soon as the ministers heard the words of the king they shocked and bowed to king.The news spread to all the people in the kingdom and all felt happy.




                   Once in a forest,there lived six cows in a group.They were good friends.They usually goes to eat gras as a group.The remaining animals were very happy for their friendship.One day a lion came to the forest.They saw six cows' unity and want ot eat all the six cows one after another.
                    One day the five cows are grazing in the forest and the remaining cow is also grazing but some distance apart from them.The lion was thinking that "how to eat the cow which is grazing at some distance?".After a while lion got an idea and came to the cow.....

Lion : cow ... "I have an another place where there was a lot of grass to graze".
Cow : (Thinks)  and said "ok ,i will come,Show me the place".
                The ramaining cows advised the cow not to go with lion.But she denied and went with lion.The lion tooks the cow to the top of a mountain and roaring ....... and laughing.The cow understood that she was in a trouble.and thinking the words of his friends.The cow prayed the lion for not to kill her.But lion is coming close to the cow to eat and heard a sound.The lion turns around and saw why the sound was coming and shocked.Those were the steps of the remaining cows following the lion and the cow.Then the lion runs in fear.The cow cried,cried and cried and say "sorry" to her friends for not listening to their words.Finally all the six cows went to their home and lives happily.

                     A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Parents for Children

Parents for Children

              Once a couple was living in a city named Amith (30), sruthi (26).They have a 4 year old baby named suchitra.They are leading a very happy life.Suchitra asked her parents to go for summer holidays baecause all her schoolmates and friends are going for holiday trips to different places of the world.The couple discussed and decided to go to Ooty(Tamilnadu) for holiday trip
               Ther lived an another couple who don't have children.They also came to Ooty(Tamilnadu) to celebrate their marriage anniversary in that place.One day,While they were enjoying different places in Ooty they want to go to restaurant for Lunch.At that restaurant they met the family (Anith,Sruthi and Suchitra), who were also came for lunch sat on a table infront of couple's table.They became very close to each other.After the lunch they dispersed to enjoy ooty's places.while the couple were travelling in a car they saw a family who sat infront of the table in the restaurant we asking lift on the roadside.
              The couple asked them "what had done to your car" and "what happened".Amith and Sruthi replied that their car was in a trouble asked them to call to policemen for their child (suchitra).The couple asked amith and sruthi "what happened to sruthi? where she had gone".Amith replied "please! take right and get down from the bridge,we will find suchitra.The couple scared and do the same what they said and drove to that place.There the couple saw a car fell down from a bridge.There came policemen at the spot and inspected the damaged car.There they find Suchitra struggling to regain her life.The couple shocked while seeing it and turned at amith and sruthi.Amith said "we were dead in that accident" and sruthi said "Please! take care of my child,Suchitra" and they left.
Then the policemen recovered the bodies of amith and sruthi.Suchitra was immediately taken to a hospital for treatment by the couple along with policemen.The childless couple make suchitra a good citizen in the world.The parents of suchitra in the heaven and the couple were too happy for her daughter.

 MORAL  : We have to respect our parents because they were doing their hardwork for the welfare of their children.

World's highest Battlefield : SIACHEN

World's highest Battlefield : SIACHEN

              Siachen ,The battlefield which is located between India and Pakistan.It is located in the highest place in the atmosphere.It is a very prominent place to Asia as well.It divides indian subcontinent from asia and located between china and pakistan.This is the place where a little grass was unable to grow. 
             Siachen is located around 12 feet to 23 feet from mean sea-level.Its length is about 76 kms.Saltoro Ridge is located in the west and Karakoram Range located in the east of these siachen glacier.Around 4000 soldiers were died in the fought between india and pakistan during battle.In Balti, 'Sia' -- 'one kind of rose'.'chen' -- 'lot of''.At the lower side of the glacier these roses exists so the neme comes from it.Indian government will organise siachen civil treck on every august and september of every year under adventure wing.By these adventure wing normal people can go there to see the place.that too only for 30-40 people every year and they were elected by the Indian Mountaineering Federation.
               Leh is a place in Jammu Kashmir and is located at the northernmost tip of india.Siachen located 40 kms from Leh.Many tourists comes to see Leh.



                       Once there lived a king named Akbar.Birbal was an advisor in king's court.Birbal was very intelligent in answering any question from anyone.The king also mesmerized by the answers of the birbal.One day akbar want to test birbal's intelligence and asked a question.
Akbar : Birbal, I want to ask you a question...
Birbal : My Lord ! ask me.... I will try to solve your doubt.
Akbar : "My boby has hair in all parts.But why my palms aren't have hairs?"
Birbal : My lord! you are giving lots of offerings with your palms to others.thats why the are no hairs on your palms.

                   Akbar was surprised by the answer given by Birbal.Akbar wants to test more with twisted one this time.
Akbar : My palms doesn't have hairs because i am giving offerings.But "why you don't have hairs on  your palms?"
Birbal : My lord! "I recieved lot of offerings from you thats why my palms bacame hairs stopped growing on my palms."
                 Akbar was very happy by having birbal in his court and gave a wonderful gift to him.