The Colour of Diamonds

One day,Krishnadevaraya was very happy with the sarcastic and intelligent discussion by Ashtadiggajas in his court.He too involved in the discussion and enjoyed.During discussion a man named
"Ramayya" who directly entered into his court.Soldiers caught him an started beating him for illegally entering into the court.The King ordered his soldiers to leave the man.The man thanked him for the words of The King and started explaining his problem.
Ramayya : "Save me My Lord! Please save me from my owner My Lord!".
Krishnadevaraya : "What happened ?"
Ramayya : "My owner cheated me My Lord!"

Yesterday afternoon i and my owner was going to buy some ration.The cold winds were breezing on the way.So we brought an umbrella on the road and we were moving.Suddenly a big rain poured,our umbrella became wet and worned out.we started worrying and seeing around for some shelter around.At some distance we saw a temple.We immediately ran into the temple to hide out.The rain lasted for many hours.We went into the temple in search of any human living there.We found no one there and the temple is full of dust.We decided to relax there for some time.We have to leave the temple as soon as the rain stopped pouring.

My owner relaxed at the entrance and i started searching for some place to get relaxed.In search of the place i found a red bag tied its mouth with a tight string.I get it to my owner and we opened the bag loosening the string.We were shocked seeing into the bag There were diamonds, a lot of diamonds.We too became very happy and decided to share the diamonds.But i had a thought that they were the temple's property.If the information leaks we will get punished.
Ramayya : "Boss! we will give it to The King,because they are the Temple's property".
Owner : "No Ramayya! these are very costly diamonds".
Ramayya : "Boss! If the information leaks we will be in great trouble"
Owner : "Ramayya! if we share these diamonds.Our family will become rich upto next four generations".
We both accepted to share.But my owner told me to give my share of diamonds after we went home.If we share now,If anyone sees our plan will be ruined.So we will share these after getting into the house.After sometime the rain stopped and we both went to homes happily.The next day I went to his home happily to take my share of diamonds.But my owner rejected to give my share of diamonds.
Ramayya : "Sorry! My lord! I want share because of my selfishness.I hear his words and i lost a lot by his words My Lord! Please help me My Lord!".
The King order his soldiers to take Ramayya's owner to his court.After sometime the soldiers brought the Ramayya's owner to the King's court.The King asked about the diamonds they found in the temple.
Owner : "By God's grace all things are going well for me.I didn't had any debts too.what i have to with his share of diamonds.I gave them to him.My Lord!"
Owner : "I gave all the diamonds to Ramayya and said to submit all the diamonds to The King".
Ramayya : "No My Lord! he is lying My Lord!.He didn't gave any diamonds to me".
Owner : "My Lord! I have a doubt on Ramayya that all the diamonds was taken by him itself and playing games in front of you My Lord!".
Krishnadevaraya : "Raja Purohit! who was the culprit according to these opinion"
Raja Purohit : "My Lord! I think Ramayya is the culprit.Take Ramayya into custody and leave his owner.I think he is innocent".
Tenali Ramakrishna : "My lord! now we have to think a lot and take the right decision My Lord!".
Krishnadevaraya : "Thinks and sais Is there anyone have any proof among yourself".
Ramayya : "My Lord! I have no proof".
Owner : "My Lord! I have two witnesses while i was giving diamonds to Ramayya My two workmen saw my giving to Ramayya"
Krishnadevaraya : "Soldiers! get the two witnesses to the court.
Witness 1 & 2 : "We saw our Owner gave the diamonds to Ramayya".
Tenali Ramakrishna :"My Lord! I want to talk to you secretly Please give me a chance".
Krishnadevaraya accepted the Tenali Ramakrishna's proposal and they two went into a secret room.
Tenali Ramakrishna : "My Lord ! I think we will examine the two witnesses seperately".
Krishnadevaraya : "Ok Tenali Ramakrishna ! ".
The King ordered his soldiers to bring the Owner first.
Tenali Ramakrishna : "What is the colour of the diamonds you gave to Ramayya?".
Owner : "I gave white colour diamonds to Ramayya".
Krishnadevaraya : "Ok Mr.Owner Please be aside". and ordered his soldiers to bring witness 1.
Tenali Ramakrishna : "Witness 1! what was the colur of diamonds that your owner gave to Ramayya".
Witness 1 : "the colour ... the colour of diamonds was
Green.My Lord! They were shining too".
Krishnadevaraya : "Ok witness 1, Please be aside". and ordered his soldiers to bring witness 2.
Tenali ramakrishna :"Witness 2! what was the colur of diamonds that your owner gave to Ramayya?".
Witness 2 : "The colour of diamonds was Red My Lord!".
Then Krishnadevaraya came to conclusion that Owner was lying and ordered his soldiers to take Owner and his Witnesses into custody.The King collected all the diamonds from the Owner and gave reward to Ramayya for his bravery against his owner.The King also gave reward to Tenali Ramakrishna for his brilliance in tackling the case well.